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Buy Wholesale Geckos Online

February 26, 2018
Posted by admin

Geckos and other exotic lizards are becoming common additions to any animal lover’s collection. Certain geckos, like the leopard gecko or crested gecko, are popular choices because of their brilliant markings and unique colors. For this reason, zoos, pet stores, and other gecko breeders are constantly looking for a good selection of healthy, wholesale geckos online to breed into beautiful morphs. These one-of-a-kind morphs can fetch gecko owners a lot of money and are heavily sought after.

Whether you just enjoy the company of these interesting animals or are ready to invest into breeding your own gecko morphs and looking for the right geckos to get started, check us out. At Strictly Reptiles, the health and well-being of our animals come first. Continue reading to find our recently updated gecko price list. Come find out how we continue to be the nation’s top provider of wholesale geckos, lizards, snakes, and other exotic reptile needs. And take a look at our diverse collection of geckos and other fascinating creatures by visiting our website here: Strictly Reptiles.

Wholesale Geckos | Price List

Type of Gecko / Scientific Name / Qty. 1 / Qty. 6 / Qty. 12 / Qty. 25

  • Albino Leopard (babies)  / Eublepharis macularius / $18.00 each / $16.00 each / na / na
  • APTOR Leopard (juveniles) / Eublepharis macularius / $25.00 each / na / na / na
  • Leopard (adult females, mixed colors) / Eublepharis macularius / $25.00 each / na / na / na
  • Leopard (babies) / Eublepharis macularius / $15.00 each / $12.50 each / na / na
  • African Fat Tail / Hemitheconyx caudicinctus / $15.00 each / $14.00 each / na / na
  • Cameroon Dwarf / Lygodactylus conraui / $25.00 each / na / na / na
  • Central American Yellow Headed / Gonatodes fuscus / $15.00 each / $14.00 each / $12.00 each / na
  • Crested Cameroon Dwarf (babies) / Rhacodactylus ciliatus / $30.00 each / $25.00 each / na / na
  • Crimson Giant Day Cameroon Dwarf (babies) / Phelsuma grandis / $35.00 each / $30.00 each / na / na
  • Giant Day (adults) / Phelsuma grandis / $30.00 each / na / na / na
  • Gold Dust Day / Phelsuma laticauda / $20.00 each / na / na / na
  • Golden / Gekko ulikovskii / $5.00 each / $4.50 each / $4.00 each / $3.50 each
  • House / Hemidactylus frenatus / $4.00 each / $3.00 each / $2.50 each / $2.00 / $1.50 each (50) / $1.00 each (100)
  • Lined Day / Phelsuma lineata / $18.00 each / na / na / na
  • Tokay (adults) / Gekko gecko / $8.00 each / $7.00 each / $6.00 each / na
  • White Lined / Gecko vittatus / $10.00 each / $9.00 each / $8.00 each / na
  • ***SPECIAL*** Pied Tokay Morphs (adult) / $1,350.00 each / na / na / na ***SPECIAL***Wholesale Geckos Online

Wholesale Geckos | About Strictly Reptiles

Strictly Reptiles is located in Hollywood, FL. Our animals are taken care of in a USDA-registered facility, staffed by a team of passionate crew members whose number one priority is the health and well-being of every one of our creatures. Our selection is always changing, so be sure to visit our store regularly. Call us at 954-967-8310 or if you have any additional questions, click here: Contact Strictly Reptiles.

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Wholesale Geckos